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Home > Sold Machinery Archive > EDM (Electro-Discharge Machines) > EDM Parts and Accessories

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Year Make Model Condition Price Details

Ad # 9974EDM Parts and Accessories
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2003 Charmill Roboform 20 Excellent sold No Photo / More Info.
30m ,Charnill cnc edm: This was a support machine,.With very less running hrs. Machine still in pr...

Ad # 14032EDM Parts and Accessories
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1999 Bostomatic BD-12G Good sold small camera icon Photo / More Info.
Travels are X15, Y10 & Z10 with a 30,000rpm spindle.: Boston digital (Bostomatic 12G electrode milling machine.) Travels are X15 Y10 & Z10 with a 30,000rpm This is ultra high precsion machining center, with a Torit dust collector. Travels are X15 Y10 & Z10 with a 30,000rpm spindle. Note:the touch screen needs to be replaced

Ad # 8479EDM Parts and Accessories
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1993 Advantage SC-2AY-21HFX Good sold small camera icon Photo / More Info.
45-60 deg: Portable Chiller was used on a charmilles EDM temp range 45-60 -55deg std. refrig 22

Ad # 4243EDM Parts and Accessories
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SYSTEM 3-R MAXI New sold No Photo / More Info.
SYSTEM 3-R SINKER EDM TOOLING: BOTH ITEMS OFFERED AS A PACKAGE; One each of: System 3-R Dovetail Adaptor Plate Part # 3-R 27.2 System 3-R Dovetail Part Number 3-R 29 The pair cost $ 2,600.00 New today

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