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Press Room Equipment
We found 2 matching ads. Now displaying the remaining 2 ads.
Year |
Make |
Model |
Condition |
Price |
Details |
Ad # 12974 | Hydraulic 4 Post Press |
1990 |
Hoesch |
142-108 |
Good |
sold |
Photo /
More Info. |
2000 tonnage: Hoesch 2000 ton presses
We have 2 of these for immediate sale
Hoesch presses have a working bed that is
141" x
Stroke is 84"
Shut height is 31.5 inches
2000 ton platen size 11.8 by 9
Selling due to a refocus of manufacturing
Closing speed (rapid travers6)0.200"/min or
mm/sec max.
compression velocity: 15 mm/sec or 1.2-35
height of lower platten above floor: 21"
overall height above floor : 88 ft
overall height below floor: 78.2"
space needed for press: 216" w x 138" deep
total weight: 230,000 kg
weight of upper platten: 50,000 kg
ll€lghi. ot lorer pl.ten abovc floor levcl
ovrr.l I helght.bove floor lev!l
Overall nerght beloy floor level
- relght of upper plltcn, .p9rox. .,....,,,.
- ,.ight of cotuart, dppror.
- yeight of crosshe.d ircl. rorking cyllnder
Total rarght of the Oresr, .pprox.
lorer platen incl, par6l leltst
cover i nO, etc. l, rrtrox.
- velgbt of
cyl lnd€r,
- tttght of othar corponcnts (tydraullc .9-
greg!ts, el€ctr l c! l eq!lprent, platfort,
€l.ttIc strair..nd r.rll!!11!! 9l, Cp!9-L.nd
IoYet jlgll2!319
Deflcctlon of lorei press plite at norinal
cotoraSslon forca ard ciarglng 2/3 of the
loror ptess plrte lcentricl, reasured over
the dlagonal of th€ lorer preri ,late, rax.
oeflectlon of upper prcis plate tt norinal
congrclslon force lnd chargtng 2/3 of the
press glatc (c?ntric), raa3srrd ovar
the di.gon6l of the upper presr pl.!e, nrr.
llar. devtatlon froa ptralllsr betyeea the
and the uproa tr€ss plat€ lnaaguted at the
corners of the press plates up to I
velocity of:
0.5 ||r/rec.
( i .2r /nin. ) t
2(s. I" /I. iinn./ iec. )
(o.00t" lt
0, oa rrln
lo ,oo1" I J t:l
( 15"/rin. )
0.05 rt
( 0.002 " )
0.05 ..
{ 0.002" )
(o. o05",
All values indicated for paralllsr, to
when loading the press rlth cold tools or
thrust uashers or after having reached a
state of lnertion. |.esp.
Ad # 12973 | Hydraulic 4 Post Press |
1990 |
Erie |
180-90 #N10 |
Good |
sold sold |
Photo /
More Info. |
1620 ton: Erie 180-90 #N10, 1990
1650 tonnage pressure,
platen size 15 by 7.5
on pallets disassembled ready to ship
main capacity: 1620 ton
pullback capacity max: 475 ton
normal sys operation pressure: 2450psi
main ram: 41" dia
pullback rams dia 11"
stroke: 90"
daylight: 105"
platen R-l x F-B w/ o steam platens: 180" x 90"
distance floor to platen: 24"
floor space of press: 18" x 11"
overall height above floor: 31'-4"
estimated rough weight w/o steam platens: 330,000lbs
vickers vane pumps used
oilgear pumps
150HP, 75HP, 40 HP motors
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