BENDIX, DYNAPATH, AUTOCON CNC TOLL FREE 1-877-394-5249 SYSTEM 5, SYSTEM 10, SYSTEM 20, DELTA 10, DELTA 20, DELTA 30, DELTA 40, 50, 60 Our company is built around 80+ years of FACTORY Tech Support Experience. We support ALL subassemblies for these controls- We offer both NEW and REFURBISHED Power Supplies and Monitors, as well as Refurbished PCBs which have been 100% qualified on the FACTORY Test Fixtures (GenRad 1792B and GenRad 2270). Our Repair Center Technicians have better than 120 years combined Industrial Electronics experience- we keep our 25-year-old testers in daily production, and we can keep your equipment up and running too! We also support controls, servo and spindle drives and motors manufactured by or used on: Clausing, Tree, Chevalier, Monarch, J & L, Lagun, Bridgeport, Gettys, Servo Dynamics, GE Spindle Drives and GE HI-AK Drives. In addition, we offer Retrofit Kits for MSI and Westamp Drives. GR pics at |