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FOR SALE: Ad # 49 , Year = NEW , Make = Servo , Model = Turbo Drive | 
Ad #:
| 49
| Servo
| Turbo Drive
Equip. Type:
| Power Feed
Our Price:
| call
| 704-660-8130
Servo Turbo Drive Power Feed
Electrical limits with no external switches to mount. Fluid-resistant design. Low maintenance brushless DC variable reluctance (VR) motor. Lift heavy knees such as the Bridgeport Series II or Lagun Deluxe. Set a zero position and use the digital display for rough positioning (0.1" resolution). Peak torque is 200 in.-lbs. Rapid for table and cross is 80 inches per minute. (ipm). Feed rate ramps from 0 to 50 ipm in 4 seconds or slower at 0.1 ipm increments Digital feed rate control lets you select exact feed rates (0.1 ipm resolution). Smooth finish at feeds as low as 0.2ipm Electronic-assist when used with muscle power. Specify Make and Model of Mill to fit.
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Servo Turbo Drive Power Milling - Machine Table Feeds
Purchase Information To Inquire about this machine contact: I M S (734) 765-0428
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